Glass Vs Bottle Vs Can: Best Way to Drink Beer

When it comes to enjoying a refreshing beer, there are various options available, including drinking from a glass, a bottle, or a can.

Each vessel has its own set of advantages and considerations and some are quite interesting and surprising.

In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of drinking beer from a glass, a bottle, and a can, helping you find the best way to enjoy your favorite booze.

Just as it’s the case with good wine, there are methods and techniques to truly experience great beer.

Drinking Beer from a Glass

Beer in a glass

Drinking beer from a glass is often associated with the beer connoisseur experience.

Here are some reasons why drinking beer from a glass is a way to go for those who truly appreciate beer:

Enhancing Aroma and Flavor

Pouring beer into a glass allows it to release its aromas fully, enhancing the overall tasting experience. The shape of the glass, such as a tulip or a snifter, can also concentrate the beer’s aromas, making it more enjoyable.

The shape of the glass, as well as its size, rim design, and curvature, can influence the release and concentration of aromas, the perception of carbonation, and the overall drinking experience.

While the effect on taste may be subtle, choosing the right glassware can enhance your enjoyment of different beer styles just as it’s a common thing with wines.

Drinking beer from a glass is super important, and there are good reasons why this is the best method to experience any beer.

Visual Appeal

Beer in glass offers a visually pleasing experience. You can appreciate its color, clarity, and carbonation, which add to the enjoyment of the beverage.

Believe it or not, the appearance of beer plays a role when the human brain forms the experience, thus it’s possible to interpret a change in taste and texture of the beer just by tweaking its visual appeal.

There’s a good reason why almost every beer commercial displays beer poured into a crystal-clean glass with plenty of perfectly cut foam on the top.

Controlling Temperature

A glass provides better temperature control, allowing you to maintain the beer’s desired chill for a longer period. It also prevents the transfer of heat from your hands, keeping the beer cool.

Temperature plays a big role in experiencing any drink, and if you paid attention to how quickly the temperature from hands can transmit and warm up the beer, you’d be surprised.

This is especially the case during warm, summer days.

Drinking Beer from a Bottle

Beer in a bottle

Drinking beer from a bottle has its own charm and convenience. Here are some reasons why you might prefer a bottle:

Portability and Convenience

Bottled beer is easy to carry and suitable for various occasions, such as picnics, parties, or outdoor events. It eliminates the need for glassware and can be enjoyed straight from the bottle.

When you drink beer from a bottle, there is no need to worry about finding a clean glass or dealing with potential breakage. It offers a hassle-free option for enjoying your favorite brew.

So, the most important reason behind enjoying beer from bottles is nothing more than simplicity.

Longer Shelf Life

Beer bottles are designed to protect the beer from light and oxygen, which can negatively impact its flavor. This ensures that the beer stays fresh and maintains its quality for an extended period.

Moreover, beer will also be better preserved in a bottle than in a glass after you open it.

The bottle still protects beer from light and oxygen which can interfere with the quality of beer and reduce it even after a short amount of time.

And finally, any beer poured into a glass will lose Co2 quicker than any beer kept in a bottle.

It’s cool, I guess

All cool people drink beer straight from a bottle in movies and commercials, and people at social gatherings subconsciously accepted it as such.

This might sound overexaggerating, but observe how many people in clubs deny a glass to have a true chugging experience from a bottle.

Or it might be that they are so thirsty and there’s no time to waste.

Drinking Beer from a Can

Beer in a can

Drinking beer from a can has gained popularity over the years, and it offers its unique benefits.

You might have noticed how breweries are focusing on adding awesome designs to their cans, and you can find them in all shapes from spacecraft to old vintage graphic designs which add to the consumer experience.

This happens due to a low cost of a can that can easily be recycled, and plenty of room for graphic designs due to its shape.

Some additional benefits of cans are:

Chills Quickly

Cans have better heat conductivity compared to glass, allowing the beer to cool down rapidly.

This makes them ideal for situations where you want to enjoy a cold beer promptly.

Portability and Versatility

Canned beer is highly portable, lightweight, and easy to transport. It is perfect for outdoor activities, such as camping or hiking, where glass containers might not be allowed or practical.

The popular six-packs are proof of the claim.

There’s nothing more convenient to bring to a good BBQ than a six-pack.

Protection from Light and Oxygen

Similar to bottles, cans provide excellent protection from light and oxygen. This helps preserve the beer’s flavor and quality, ensuring a fresh-tasting experience.

Comparison and Conclusion

Now that we have explored the pros of each method, let’s compare glass, bottle, and can for drinking beer to conclude which is the best way to experience beer.

Taste and Aroma

Drinking beer from a glass enhances the aroma and allows the flavors to unfold, providing a fuller sensory experience. The visual appeal of the beer in a glass also adds to the overall enjoyment.

On the other hand, drinking from a bottle or a can may not offer the same level of aroma appreciation, as the opening is smaller, limiting the release of scents that are an important part of the brain’s experience forming protocol.

Moreover, there’s more focused Co2 at the top of the bottle which can further limit the release of scents.

Furthermore, when beer is enjoyed directly from a bottle or a can it can bloat the stomach. When beer is poured into a glass, especially from a 90-degree angle, it reduces the concentration of Co2 and dispenses it into the liquid.

However, some people enjoy the familiar taste and experience associated with drinking directly from a bottle or a can.

Temperature Control

When it comes to temperature, glass offers better control and insulation. It keeps the beer colder for longer by insulating it from external heat sources, such as your hands or the surrounding environment.

When it comes to cooling, bottles provide decent temperature control due to their thicker insulation. However, cans have the advantage of cooling down more quickly, thanks to their efficient heat conductivity.

If you prefer your beer chilled to perfection, a can might be the way to go.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

When considering sustainability, cans are often touted as the more environmentally friendly option. Aluminum cans are highly recyclable, and their recycling rate is generally higher than that of glass bottles.

Glass bottles, on the other hand, have the advantage of being reusable.

Many craft breweries encourage customers to return their empty bottles for refilling, reducing waste in the process.

Additionally, glass is made from abundant natural materials like sand, making it a renewable resource.


In the end, beer is best experienced from a glass as it enhances the aroma, flavor, and visual appeal, making it ideal for savoring craft beers or when you want a more refined tasting experience.

People enjoying beer in glasses

However, bottles offer convenience and portability while cans excel in terms of portability, quick chilling, and sustainability.

Since discovering how important it’s to pour beer into a glass, I stopped drinking from bottles and cans except when it’s the only possible solution such as when you buy a beer in a store and chug it before coming home.


Does drinking beer from a glass make it taste better?

Yes, drinking beer from a glass can enhance the overall tasting experience. The glass allows the beer to release its aromas fully, which enhances the flavor profile. Additionally, visually appreciating the beer’s color and carbonation adds to the enjoyment.

Can I drink beer straight from the bottle?

Absolutely! Drinking beer straight from the bottle is a common practice and offers its own unique experience. However, keep in mind that drinking from a glass allows for better aroma appreciation, which can enhance the overall taste.

Are cans better for keeping beer cold?

Cans have better heat conductivity compared to glass or bottles, which means they can cool down beer more quickly. If you prefer your beer chilled, cans are a great option.

Are glass bottles more sustainable than cans?

Both glass bottles and cans have their sustainability advantages. Glass bottles are reusable and can be returned to breweries for refilling. On the other hand, aluminum cans have a high recycling rate, making them an environmentally friendly choice. Ultimately, the sustainability aspect depends on local recycling infrastructure and individual recycling habits.

Can I recycle glass beer bottles?

Yes, glass beer bottles are recyclable. It is important to dispose of them in recycling bins to reduce waste and promote environmental sustainability.

Do different vessels affect the taste of the beer?

The vessel you use to drink beer can influence your perception of its taste. Drinking from a glass allows the beer to breathe and release its aromas and even the shape of a glass can influence the experience. Bottles and cans may limit the aroma release to some extent. However, personal preferences and individual sensitivities to taste may vary.


Hey there, I am Dino, and I enjoy brewing for my friends, family, and myself. This is the place where I share what I have learned, so more people can discover the beauties of the art of brewing. Oh, and remember, drink responsibly!

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