About Us

Since we got into the legal age for drinking, we’d been the victims of poor beer without even realizing it.

You get used to it, and the price is often determining factor for what you drink when you are young, but as you grow older you often stick to the habits of the past.

One summer day, my friend and I went on a vacation across the state. Whenever we would meet at local pubs and when wanted to order the beer we were used to, they only had the local craft beers to offer.

During this time we tried almost every single craft beer we could find at local pubs and realized how much magic we missed all these past years by sticking to a few cheap, commercial beers popular in our hometown.

Perfectly measured hops

When we returned home, we continued to explore the craft scene and naturally, I asked the question.

“Look, I am looking for another hobby, but I want it to make sense and not only to kill my spare time. How about We make a beer?”

My friend Mateo nodded and said if you think it can be done, let’s go.

I then began to spend hours every day exploring homebrewing on forums, social media groups, and magazines.

Next week we ordered equipment and extract for our first beer, went to my base room, and started to brew a dry stout.

It ended up being a little bit acidy for some of my friends, but the rest were amazed that we could brew something that resembles the craft stouts so close. With time we started to brew really good beers as we spent more time experimenting and researching.

Today, I am running a blog about homebrewing because I am also working as a freelance writer and there’s something beautiful about documenting stories and sharing knowledge with others who share the same passion as we do.

I still brew with my friend, but now I also brew with my mother from time to time.

My goal is to brew something new every time and surprise people around me because life is known for getting boring when we get used to the monotony, but when we light up the passion in us it manifests what we have been always looking for.

Cheers! and yeah, drink responsibly, do not say we made an alcoholic out of you!